Friday, January 04, 2008

A Brand New Year

Well here we are in 2008! Where did the time go. In the spirit of New Years blogging I've added a few more blogs to my collection. As if I wasn't tardy enough keeping up with this one.

One is called "CUTLINES" where I will post stories I cover for community newspapers in Hamilton

The next one is called "URBANITIES" were I'm planning on posting telephoto shots of Hamilton almost every day.

And the third is called "Ingy's DINNER GUIDE" where I visit local restaurants in Hamilton and write of my experiences

So at least there is something to else look at instead of the silly rantings I have on this blog!

As far as freelancing in this town I've written to several editors, with and without stories, but it seems they don't feel the need to respond. Aslo, many of the publications in this town are owned by Metroland West Media Group Ltd. and they, of course, have staffers and don't need freelancers or feel the need to send a polite NO THANKS as a response. It makes me miss London because editors were very polite and kind there. Especially The London Community Advocate and London This Week. Of course it took 12 years to get them to know me and MediaShots and in the earlier days that meant darkroom time, snail mail, and knocking on doors. I've decided to go solo with Ingymedia to simplify communications and invoicing. So the most of the neswpaper editors that don't write back are from these publications. Of interest is that on the websites that have a contact page they all have the same editor, Debra Downing, and they are for the most part running the same stories. How boring. Of course if Debra is the editor of all these papers and more the poor thing must be overworked as heck and that would explain why she hasn't returned my emails.

If you are an editor from one of these papers perhaps you could explain why I've had no response. I know your busy but I'm offering a service here. Below are a list of Metroland Owned publications:


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