Sunday, October 08, 2006

Reconfiguring the Lab

I made some changes to my lab area and started shooting some B/W again. It feels good to get some rolls through and hanging up. I'm scanning them by strip and picking out some neat ones which I'll post from time to time. It seems like a common theme, shooting B/W while the rest of the world throws in Velvia or Kodachrome to capture the fall colours. The fall just seems like a Black and White time and it's best to get in the habit before winter hits. It's funny how someone asked me the other day about why there is not a lot of B/W work on my website. I guess I've really changed since going digital because I remember someone asking in an interview a few years ago if I had any colour work. I did actually have a wide body of colour but mainly portrait work and the stuff I showed was the stuff I loved. BLACK and WHITE!


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